Self Care


Improving your lymph flow

Dry brushing gets your lymph moving to help you rid toxins. Your lymph system can become stagnant since it has no pressure system moving it along. In addition, dry brushing increases blood circulation and exfoliates your skin in the process, leaving you healthier inside and out.

  1. Use a dry, natural bristle brush with firm bristles. 

  2. Start at the bottom of your feet, moving up the legs, torso, hands, arms, chest. 

  3. Be sure to brush the front, sides and back of body. 

  4. Simple strokes in one direction always toward your heart

  5. Be cautious if you have super sensitive skin. 

  6. Avoid areas of irritation, open wounds, rashes or sunburn. 

  7. It's usually recommended to avoid brushing the face, neck and breasts given their delicate skin but massaging these areas is very helpful.. 

  8. Shower and then wash your brush with soapy water for your next use. 

  9. Repeat once a week or more if needed for renewed energy, a healthy glow and a healthier you!

This is a simple practice can be valuable as we age. Learn more about the lymph system from my article published at

Movement Matters

No matter where you find yourself on the spectrum of healthy living there is one thing that accepts no argument. Movement is vital for the health of all systems in your body and for your overall ability to function independently as you age. When we stop moving, we stop living. Don’t miss opportunities throughout your day to move your body. Find inspiration in the list above or join me for a yoga class.