Meat, Poultry and Fish Terms : What do they mean?

  • Cage-free - Another misleading term since poultry raised for meat is never caged and is usually confined indoors with tens of thousands of other birds.

  • Certified Naturally Grown - This certification offers small scale farmers an alternative organic certification that is not through the USDA since it is costly to attain and maintain a USDA certification.

  • Farm Raised - this pertains to fish that are commercially raised in controlled tanks and also isolated areas within lakes and rivers. There is more risk of disease and infection with farm raised.

  • Free-range - this relates to poultry and eggs, claiming that the animal had access to outdoors. This does not assure you of quality since it is loosely defined and varies greatly from farm to farm. They can be housed in a crowded barn and have minimal outdoor time.

  • *Grass-fed - The animal has foraged for its food with continuous access to pasture. Note: If it does not also say Grass-finished then for the last days of its life it may have been fed grain as well. This is not always the case, so it is best to get to know the brands your local store has, so that you can identify their methods. The most nutrient dense.

  • *Organic - This means that there has been no use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful substances. For vegetables and fruit this is great. For meat this doesn't define how an animal has been raised regarding outdoor access, nor what they have been fed though. The welfare of the animal is questionable.

  • *Pasture-raised - This means that the animal was raised for some portion of their life on pasture and not continually confined to an indoor pen.

  • USDA Grade - This has nothing to do with the true quality, it primarily identifies the fat content from prime to select, fattest to leanest.

  • *Wild Caught - Fish caught in their natural habitat and have not been exposed to antibiotics or hormones.

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