
Hi, I’m Felicia. I use nutrition and movement to help women age vibrantly — eating well, moving freely and living fully at every age. You’re never too old to become your best self and never too young to set yourself up for longevity. I hope you’ll find something to nourish and empower you here. Be well!

Recalibrating, Rejoicing and Rejuvenating

Recalibrating, Rejoicing and Rejuvenating

Resolutions, resolves, resets.  What do you want to kickstart your new year with?  A difficult year behind us, we are all hoping that 2021 brings us closer to the ones we love and back to the life we knew before Covid 19 barged its way into our lives without a welcome.  

Personally, I’m thinking more about recalibrating, rejoicing and rejuvenating.  Although I consider myself to hold a steady course in the face of adversity, there were days and weeks this past year where I found I was lost, distracted and disgruntled.  I had enough of the separation, the zooming, the empty spaces in between here and there.  I needed a deeper connection and although I must say, my daily meditation and practices helped me immensely, nothing took the place of in person human connection, smiling faces, gestures, laughter and embraces. 

I'm grateful to have risen to the early challenges of zoom teaching to reach those who've needed my support throughout the past year and I hope to continue that even more smoothly going forward. I’m recalibrating, I'm bringing my system back into balance by getting back to normal sleeping hours, ignoring the urge for distraction by keeping to my work hours, and planning my weeks.  I’m rejoicing in what I have, the blessing of my health and that of my family, their love and support and the knowledge I have to help others.  

I can not change the past year and I can not predict what will come tomorrow, but I can be ever so thankful for this moment and make the very best of it. I believe it's what we all should do each and every moment of our lives. I'm rejuvenating, I’m continuing my practice outdoors and embracing the cold winter days, invigorating my body and filling my lungs with fresh winter air.  Pushing myself ever so gently to tolerate a little more and resist a little less. I’m listening, giving myself the moments to do that, listening to what I need—physically, mentally, spiritually.

I encourage you to do some of the same.  We are all different.  We all have different needs. What do you need?  If you are the type of person that makes resolutions with each new year, perhaps you should think about making a recalibration instead.  Take on some slow and steady steps that will ultimately lead you to the balanced place you long to be.  When it comes to improving health and overcoming dietary concerns, lasting change comes from small change, usually not from drastic change. Learning to be thankful and accepting of where you are starting from makes a difference too.  The rejuvenation and restoration begins when you move slowly, compassionately, and freely.  If you are too hard on yourself, too restricting, chances are you will not be reaching what you ultimately want or need to achieve.  So choose wisely how you want to start your new year.  We all know that taking care of ourselves is vitally important today and every day so that we can put our best self forward to conquer the challenges that lie ahead.  

Wishing you great success, warm embraces and lasting change.

Nitric Oxide and Longevity

Nitric Oxide and Longevity

Calcium and Maintaining Balance

Calcium and Maintaining Balance